
2015. 04. 10.

GTC 2015 - Media & Entertainment panel

Ezek az idei GDC (szerintem) legérdekesebb prezentációi a Media & Entertainment panelről. Klikk a linkekre a videókért illetve klikk IDE az összes többi előadásért és a PDF-ekért.

 Peter Zion (Fabric Software Inc.)

Advancements in V-Ray RT GPU
Vladimir Koylazov (Chaos Software), Blagovest Taskov (Chaos Software Ltd.)
This talk discusses recent advancements in V-Ray RT GPU towards a fully-featured production renderer. Covered topics include implementations on the the GPU for hair raytracing, sub-surface scattering, out-of-core texture paging, displacement and others.
- See more at: http://on-demand-gtc.gputechconf.com/gtcnew/on-demand-gtc.php?searchByKeyword=&searchItems=&sessionTopic=&sessionEvent=2&sessionYear=2015&sessionFormat=&submit=&select=+#sthash.cgOob6Pr.dpuf
Vladimir Koylazov (Chaos Software), Blagovest Taskov (Chaos Software Ltd.)
Jascha Wetzel (Jawset Visual Computing)

Mark Davey (The Foundry)

Thad Beier (Dolby Laboratories)

Joe Mancewicz (Rhythm & Hues Studios)

Damien Fagnou (VFX Operations, MPC)

Jeremy Cowles (Pixar Animation Studios)

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